Sunday, June 30, 2024

ma jaya

...she looked  nervously around,  the university grounds  looked so  secluded,   fir some unknown reason  tge can also didn't  show up, , all the students had left, 
She  thought of ringing up her brother,  tge screen displayed her brother's  name  faran bhai  , she immediately cut off the line,  there was no benefit,  he would unnecessarily get disturbed,  ever since faran bhai got married  ge became  only  his wife's,  he simply forgot his mother and sister who  once upon a time  were his world  and he doted  upon them,  now  every time  he scowled on  them and blooded,  suddenly  they had become  irrelevant and  heavy burden to him 
Anita who was  his life before he got married  was   now just discarded  and  completely  ignored,  he was totally indifferent to them,  , he was answerable only to his  wife and children  and married life,  he shirked his responsibilities   and was  no longer concerned with mother and sister,  the focal point of importance  had shifted  , 

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