Monday, July 1, 2024

page 104

....he also heard  the sound of the caller rising,  he waited patiently outside for someone to open the door,  waiting for some time  he again  pressed   the door bell    and few minutes later the door opened and Arshad stood there  ,  who  looked bewildered  and then   suddenly  blossomed up and happily greeted the visitor  , sehrab sahib 
The shrewd visitor   understood  Arshad was happy to have someone  to cheer him up when he looked so upset
I I was  at  naghat  s place  spoke sehrab sahib stepping inside,  tge house was locked,  is she alright,  did she come here,  deliberately he didn't mention  iqbal
Of course  bubi naghat is fine  but there is another matter,   glad you are here,  , bibi naghat is inside  and  senior sahib from Karachi has also arrived speaking  so he opened the  door  to let him  in, the  bedroom was empty, MacBook was gone somewhere,  Arshad showed him in and invited him to sit down in a sofa,  himself he walked up to the second door,  senior sahib   was  definitely  iqbal himself  , it seemed  naghat was  normal  because Arshad hadn't  described anything    disturbing like wasim had  to  sound it so sensational  and to  perhaps make mischief  , thought sehrab  looking  carefully at Arshad  whose face  revealed nothing 

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