Saturday, July 13, 2024

saving face

....those days he was kept very busy and worried,  he rang up his closest friend airaf ,  after customary   greetings he asked him  dear arfi are you busy 
Right,  there were two meetings very important  but why do you ask,  is everything fine with you 
His response was against his expectations 
Yes sort of  Right   but not entirely,  by when will you be free 
One meeting is at six the other from eight to eleven later in the evening 
There is a gap of two hours in between I am coming to you to discuss it
When he emerged from his office  he stood there waiting for him  with his car 
Now tell me what is wrong professor,  dumping himself comfortable ease he patted him informally 
I need to buy something,  he shared his problem 
So what is so special about this 
It's just so,  driving the car he said and turned towards the  animal market 

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