Tuesday, July 2, 2024

page 107

.... respected sister had come to our house,  said Rahim opening the door,   sehrab sahib was more confused than surprised  
Where are they 
Inside in the drawing room,  spoke Rahim,  she looked quite  worried,  she was  saying  she desperately needed to  talk to sehrab  her son  she refused to leave without seeing you sir,  
Did you offer tea and refreshments 
Certainly of course 
Are fauzya and rahela with her 
No sir  , Rahim shook his head,  I had  gone  to get the groceries  both were not there,  perhaps  gone off on a stroll
Sehrab was surprised  rather  because she usually  went  outside the house  with Rahim escorting her
Sehrab    contemplating  moved towards tge drawing room,  sshagufta khatoon  sat there   in a sofa,  she looked  completely tired  , one elbow resting on tge arm if the sofa  , her head resting on the side,  sunk in  deep thoughtful reflection 
He lightly coughed  and greeted here,  startled  she  stood up
Dear son,  you have come,  how   I was  waiting for you,  her stress was  apparently visible  he smiled  reassuringly 
What happened  respected sister,  what  makes you so unhappy 

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