Tuesday, July 23, 2024

nukta bin

....when the bell of his  phone  rang he was sitting with his legs stretched out before him  on the table  , leaning back on the chair  reading the letter arrived from the mayor,  in the letter the mayor requested him the sheriff   to get speed breakers  fixed on the road on the road  to the  poultry of the county  so the  hens would stay safe and cross road  without  being hurt , the sheriff  found it admirable   thinking of the mayor to be so considerate  to speak up for the rights of  beasts and birds and  humans  equally  but  this case was different  if the ciunty roads were added  speed breakers  the high speeding cars  wouldn't  cross the  speed limit and  revenue  would decrease,  the sheriff  didn't want  loss of revenue  
In that  American county  pine wood there wasn't  any police chief  post the sheriff  held both  positions,  his deputy sheriff  Jeanie Parker was  his solo staff , that meant  just the two of them were responsible for handling all the county responsibilities 

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