Thursday, May 30, 2024


....when that man  killed himself   on the  hill top there were seven  other people present there m video and his five  associates were  looking for  their seventh  member,  going through the trees they had reached the hilltop  and they  saw their seventh man  who was  already  present there before them , all the pairs of etes were  focused on the man who had killed himself 
It was  a horrifying  moment to witness,  this type of sensational scene  none of them had  ever before seen,  the man who took his own life  was  clad in European clothes,  with his back towards them he was looking below at the sea, hearing their approaching footsteps he turned to look  and his face   displayed  a    strange mix of fright and scare, as if he wasn't seeing  men but beasts,  from his  skin and  physical  features  he  appeared Malaysian  but extremely   frightened,  before  someone could utter a word the awfully  frightened Malaysian man  out of his pocket  pulled a pistol,  with lightning speed he turned it's  muzzle  towards his own head and mechanically  pressed the trigger 

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