Monday, May 6, 2024

from previous

...this was sixth   child abducted in  a fortnight  in the city,  tge police failed to find not a single one , what is the latest  development  , media was shaken up , public  was negatively reacting against the police,, the criminals were  getting   stronger  ,, the senior  officers were  shifting all the blame on to the juniors,  
It was all shayan siddiqui  s mind working  overtime  , he is fully supported by his n g o   followed by  tge scared parents,  before this they used to show up in the police station  wailing  to go back home  by the end of the day  explained  one of the  s h o with a heavy paunch and long bushy moustaches  as if  it was  all the parents faults  
Naturally  those poor parents used to go back  because they were uneducated unaware  and helpless , but now they have  found  a new way to approach the authorities  and  now  their voice is raised   international media  into action , this wave is  dangerous  and won't   be subdued into silence 

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