Sunday, September 22, 2024

page 29

....all right,  you  perform your namaz and also pray for me that almighty  fulfils  all my dreams  , she mumbled  seeing her go
Unwanted creature,  how she detested  sajad s presence,  how could she ever forget  just because of him  abba  made her  drop out from school,  when one day   the bus  failed to  start and they had to walk back all the way , her friends chose the lesser  used  way back , simply because  there  were berries growing along the way,  all 9f them cheerfully  merrily  laughing walking through  the thickets,  in one  of the thorny branches  her veil git stuck,  she asked others to wait for her , nobody heard her  because they were all engrossed in their mischievous  activities  , she sat down on the ground to get herself free from the thorns , suddenly she saw three masked med  emerge from behind the  thickets  , perhaps they had hid when these girls were  walking past  and now thinking they had all left they focused their attention on the  goats   grazing  around,  just imagine her condition  she was nervous  breathless and speechless,  scared  to death  , not wanting to be seen by them she quietly  lay down low on the ground  
Bakr eid was  approaching,   robbers become  hyper active  then , they had  caught one goat and  tightened the rope round it, hearing the incessant  bleating  of the  trapped goat and a bicycle   bell nearing her courage restored,  she  started screaming  thief thief 

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