Saturday, September 28, 2024

page 30

...amidst this  confusion   two  of them  dropped their masks,  she was shocked to see one of them,  because he was  her dearest friend saira s brother  who lived in her neighborhood 
Girlie, can you identify anyone  , the owner of the  cattle asked her , she quickly gave away the name  without any hesitation,  uncle  she added  one of them was a resident of her village  sajad bhai
Saira gave  her a hard push , had she gone mad hiw could  saira s brother sajad be a robber they were well off , they wouldn't do such a thing  it must be people like herself and her family  who are ready to rob others,  saura became very aggressive 
Never, sge said ber brother and family  weren't robbers  it was Sajjad bhai  saira s brother,  she   stressed it , Sajjad  denied  the accusation and said sge was lying,  both their families  became  deadly enemies  , it was then  abba  stopped her schooling,, fir him hus reputation and  daughter's  dignity was more important,  he couldn't rely  anyone 
A few days it remained  hit event tgen it cooled off , people forget quickly,  both families  once again started  seeing each other 

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