Friday, September 13, 2024

page 9 morning saraj aldin dressed up and emerged  looking distinguished  well dressed  a completely changed man  , he appeared half his age,  his wife seriously watched her husband  with a heavy heart  , her  sent her danger signals,  she wept for herself  , her low self esteem  and  unkempt  personality 
From that day  his  dry and  boring life took a sharp turn  , his life filled with  happy cheerful colors,  he was  an autumn tree suddenly showing signs of spring , he was blossoming up and  become energetic and   refreshed and full of life,  his old self had  become alive and young once again,  he began spending more time with other interesting friends in the evening  at the store whose owner was sgaruf sahib,  on his way back home from office  he would   sit down with the gathering,  gossiping and discussing    exchanging  views,  though  they all had  crossed their youth  and reached  a phase  in the journey of life  where they were not  young anymore but their minds were still young,  tgeir thinking  and opinions  still  were   youthful,  they talked  about women and wine poetically,  the general store was left to the  helper to take care of  and  the gathering of friends  warmed up by his presence 

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