Tuesday, September 24, 2024

page 60

...next morning amjad had to  unexpectedly leave for  jahanabad,  there  a television  commercial  was posing a problem,  he thought he would return within three days  but it took him three  weeks,  he informed  rafuq Rustam was working on his  plans,  disguised he kept  moving around the studio  and  his house  in another location  to find out what was the nature of relationship between  azim and rina
For instance  how many times A day both rina and azim  met each other,  to where they went,  once  he approached  disguised as an old man  , azim was just then leaving for the studio,  Rustam  greeted him with a salam  explaining he was there  to find a job , azim pushed a fifty rupees  note into his hands saying he was too old  for any kind of work  instead he must  join   a group for the elderly,  Rustam secretly  celebrated his success  
Thus following  azim  Rustam in disguise reached  the magnificent  apartment of rina,  she  welcomed  him  with a smile,  she proved she was  extra smart,  her  cleverness  set Rustam  s mind on fire of  revenge  , it was then he decided to teach  azim a lesson  of his life 

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