Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anger Management There are some false notions about anger that we have acquired, which we use to justify and nourish our anger:1. I have no choice but to get angry.Fact: You do not know how to understand, manage and choose your feelings, especially when something happens that you do not like. Tip For Transformation: Meditation increases your self-awareness. It makes you realize the beliefs that you possess and that possess you and enables you to see and make your choices much more clearly.2. Anger gives me a surge of positive energy.Fact: Anger temporarily heightens your attention and alertness. But it results in mental and emotional exhaustion and over time will end in burnout. However it is the 'hit' of adrenaline that you have become addicted to which also makes you believe that a bit of anger is good. Tip For Transformation: Every time you become angry visualize a white sail on a calm sea and a gentle, cool, breeze blowing against your face.


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