Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Anger Management (Visualization) Think of a person in your family or a colleague at work, who always manages to bring about emotions of anger inside you. Now visualize that you are sitting with him/her beside a peaceful lake. You are both talking peacefully about how you love to lead peaceful lives. Keep this thought and image in your mind daily for one week and mark your progress on a scale of 1-5 (1 being least successful) for the following points: Q1. Did I remain peaceful today?Q2. Did I interact peacefully with this person today?Q3. Did I see the quality of peace in this person today? If you scored less than 3 on a day for any of the points, are you able to identify what prevented you from achieving a higher score? Note down your experience of doing this exercise and bear your comments in mind as you continue to practice and monitor your own progress.

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