Thursday, June 25, 2009

Excerpt from Chirag-e-dehli july --Meheboob Auliya "s divine light is seen by the Chiragh- e-dehli Hazrat Nasir ul din imprisoned for refusing to become an attendent dresser to the Sultan Muhammed Tughlaq, The Divine Light guides him to accept the condition of humiliation as a mode and the garment as the will of The True Master leading the masses to deliverance, Obeying the Light Hazrat begins to dress the Sultan who falls ill causing his death eventually the community was freed from his ill rule

exerpt from july part two--Chirag-e-dehliHazrat Nasir ul din is invited to a royal feast at the court of Sultan Muhamad Tughlaq by the conspiratiors, if the hazrat refuses he is the victim of displeasure of the sultan , and if the invitaion is acceptd he is trapped by the sheriyat law for eating out of gold dishes prohibited by islamic traditions, Hazrat accepts and is surrounded by the scheming courtiers, Hazrat took food from the dishes and placed the food on to his palm and partook it shaming them all

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