Monday, June 29, 2009

Jahez–When hazrat Fatimah was married to Hazrat Ali the bride”s father Hazrat Sal-alla-alle-wassalum provided all household ware and useful articles to tem–this incident is misquoted by some self centred people not knowing all the facts that Hazrat Ali had actually given his own hrd earned money and requested to the father of the bride to provide them. Demandingluxury cars , electronic goods and other things is not in tune of Islamic way where husband is all responsible for providing for the lawfully wedded wife and his family and meher is also granted if it is refused her

Jild–Wrinkle free skin is desired by every woman but it is not possible and ageing can make anyone ignore herelf. All women are beautiful and must take care of themselves, regular massage with good facial cremes , vitamin c masks, good scrub and healthy eating habits can show desired effects, these results would motivate her to be happier

Al Waqil truly explains the authority of Allah almighty who is the best Judge and has assumed the responsibility of the universe , only he is the rightful authority to give or take back what he wishes to , and to whoever he chooses to. Only he can show the differencebetween honour and shame correctly or raise or lower the status of anyone he wants

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