Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mar-e astin

The story is a big slap on modern life style, specially high soxiety people who have dual life, the educated are not recognised, but the illiterate show offs who have money to party, throw money, good food, fashionable clothes are given importance, , two sisters play the main role , the elder gets engaged to be married to someone who is not fit to be a good citizen, its arranged as she is so educated she has passed her marriageable age, her younger sister proves to be a pawn in some one "s hands who uses girls to grow rich, parents of the sisters are decent people, girls are decent too, but when drugged literally , and figuratively with money in eyes how impossible it becomes for brainless women of so called high society , who for status, for passtime, for need of money and being social have to get along, how they are talked into doing dangerous behaviour

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