Friday, October 30, 2009


The narrator is called up by Tek Singh-the jailor at amritsar, to apprehend maqbool, who is caught soon after, maqbool tells his version of his life story- he was a rich man, a rich son of a wealthy man , born with a silver spoon, educated well, one time he happened to visit Dalhousie, where he got bored, planning to return home he meets an eight year old shepherd boy and his twenty year old sister -Gulshan--an absolute natural beauty, on a slope where he used to take walks during his stay there, he cancels his plan of returning, gulshan grazes her cattle on the same spot where they start seeing each other, one day it is stormy and take shelter in the same cave, the next day he pretends to paint, the boy comes to see what is being painted, maqbool is bad at painting, he was watching the girl, boy stifles his laughter, gives message from his sister that maqbool likes watching butterflies, they meet , become friends, and get married, the chief of their tribe asks for his twenty five rupees given to gulshan"s father ages ago, or she be married to his loafer son, but gulshan marries maqbool -not his real name, telling his past reasons of becoming a dreaded criminal, who has run away from tek singh"s jail

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