Friday, December 5, 2014

from previous--

the  legend was  that  whoever  reached  the  top , took  shelter  in the  fort of  the  alexander  , in ruins  now  was  protected,  the  two  tribals  reached  the  fort  on the  hill in a  dilapidated  state, found  a  basement  where  they  hid  the  bundles  containing  their  gold  with  list  of  names of  the  owners  of  the  pieces  , they  were  happy  they  could  return before  the   snow  storm, , sure  the  treasure  was  safe  from being  robbed,  but  vishwanath  did  not  attack  them immediately, he  let  them  wait, tire  them  first, but  fuming  with  humiliation  he  was to  take  revenge , the  girl  he  wanted  was  wed  to  one  of  the  tribe 

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