Tuesday, October 13, 2020

from previous....

.....khalid spoke to his sister  why did the nan take so long  to introduce herself,  till then he was playing chess fine,  then suddenly his brain stopped working,, cursing he confessed he was trying hard to beat hasin salar tge champion,  the champion  wanted  this  from him and  he  exactly did the same,, indeed he was a great champion but he  did see something on the board   against himself and in favor of the boy declared the girl companion  sister of the boy playing chess with  the great chess champion  hasin salar, the boy explained no matter what the champion would definitely  defeated  him anyway,  khalid,s  sister  explained she was no good at playing chess but at that particular moment  she  had observed  something  on the face of the champion that  was undefined  as if he was  engaged in some  other thing  instead of    the game before him 

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