Sunday, October 25, 2020

page 45.....

.....hara,s mother a simple  plain straightforward woman said they were all 8n tbe drawing room, hearing this  her heart began to lift, but somehow she managed to walk  forward in the same controlled manner,  aunty also  turned towards the kitchen,  she had reached the drawing room door where she stood  giving finishing touches to her  appearance  when she overheard Alyan,s irritated voice rise from the room explaining  he had never  felt any desire  and deep emotions for her, marriage was a far fetched  idea, fir him she was merely another friend,  if he indeed was  seriously involved with her he himself would have  definitely proposed  to her, he would never marry a girl  who secretly  was dating someone  and in this  case  him , for women must be trustworthy,  girls who  don't  tell their own parents  what's  going on  in their personal life  can't be  trusted 
She was shocked,  she turned away  from the door,  for him  she was  merely an acquaintance  , her true emotions  meant nothing,  she was not  he wanted 

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