Thursday, November 18, 2021

from previous....

.....what house, she asked,  she had no home,  all her relatives were  made to be given up  by her and she  was dumped,,  all she had for her family was her dadi,  where else could she go leaving her  grandma  alone,, when nashrah explained  her feelings with  flooding eyes Ibrahim  was left staring at her,  he exited  the room saying  then  she was free  to  stay  there
Nashra looked at dadi who looked  extremely weak in these past few hours, silently  she in her heart  prayed for  forgiveness  as sge lay down in the nearby couch  with her hands folded under her cheek,  , she kept on looking at her dadi till her eyes heavy with  exhaustion  shut and she slept 
Somebody  called out Nashra  softly,  she found it hard to open her eyes,  Ibrahim stood  there  with his hands in his trouser pockets,  quickly she picked up her veil  kept by her pillow side  and covered her head respectfully,  he was annoyed  for  if she wanted to sleep she ought to have gone home 

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