Monday, November 1, 2021

page 85...

....she had  fixed her grandson  s picture in her mobile fondly  and called h8m sahib lovingly,  sahib had turned three months old but  the ice settled in arsalan  s heart did not  melt,  it was widely floating  that  Sabina and arsalan had separated,,   the mischievous  would   gleefully  ask leading questions,  it was then  that Sabina   decided to  get rid off all the surrounding negativity  and joined a school,  sahib was left  with almas  under her protective wing,, appa  bano  sent a maid s daughter  to help them  
Azma s new flat was built and ready,  her children  s school  was located  closer to almas house,  her husband safyan also wanted  she stayed with her almas khala  so they didn't move into the new apartment,  almas could not  stop it , she couldn't tell them it was not right nor practical  nor  possible  but when azma  arrived  almas liked her presence  around  more over  there was not a soul  more considerate  gentle and kind than azma 

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