Thursday, March 17, 2022

from previous...

....namal s  marriage was fixed,   Bella  was expecting,  it was her second,  the first time  on her way back from  ammi s on the bike  she  got hit and   as a result  unfortunate  miscarriage,  for ammi it was naturally a shocking disaster,  she  called  Bella names for bringing so much  sorrow on the family,  , before this nobody  had ever experienced such an accident,   over the breakfast table  Bella  began shedding tears  before  the entire gathered family,  after all  wasn't she  told to give  sadqa  before leaving the house  also never to go out  after maghrib,   there were  so many  invisible  creatures  unleashed  then and  just look at this lady who was out riding a bike  after midnight  and  in that condition,  it was  certain to happen,  she was  humiliated  before  them all adding  insult to injury  but  she  had to go , she didn't go because she liked to go on bike,  she was aware  ammi would  put restrictions on her,  she was  ready to  accept  all  just for the love of her husband,  just one day earlier her brother had called her on the phone  informing her about her ammi  not  feeling good,  ammi wanted to see her,  debating  with herself  she tried hard to resist but  finally   her attachment  towards ammi won and she gave in as any loving daughter would  to hold on to the delicate thread of maternal  bond,  sge git permission  via Ajmal from  ammi  in law and  had left  only with him after  his office was over 

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