Saturday, March 12, 2022

page 35..

.... they met again  in a bookstore,  the doctor  suggested some  good books  besides the regular  course adding  books were  best  unconditional  companions  for life  , good reading  improves  and polishes  personality and plays a most meaningful  role  to  highlight one's  life quality, 
She was  looking for  the books  on her list  when she  hit someone and heard a voice  rather familiar  to her ears  that it was a second  deliberate  hit  , her head was still lowered    but she had  not failed to recognize  the sarcasm in the voice  , it was harish  , she lifted her eyes to see  a spark of recognition   reflecting in his eyes too, an explanation  from him  why would  girls  hit him at all was demanded from the curious  onlooker  salesman
 Dear brother  you must realize  girls  in our  country   get  attracted to  the military man and perhaps  he looked  one of the army  for his physique and  presence  ,  he definitely had a dashing  persona and girls delighted in deliberately  hitting him without reason  to enjoy his  close proximity and  didn't  the salesman  just now witness  the scene himself,  a meaningful  smile escaped   from the  salesman  who quickly suppressed his  giggling  but zartasha   softly  but maliciously asked who gave him permission to leave his house alone ,  her implications  were very  direct and he asked what exactly did that mean,  the book shop was quite a tight place and the salesman  looked more interested in their  conversation 

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