Monday, September 26, 2022

page 75

...basat had a beautiful smile,  heartwarming  soul touching  hashya thought,  naturally wasim sahi wasn't her admirer without a reason,  though  basat herself wasn't that beautiful,  she had a lovely voice,  her nice behavior and polite manners,  no wonder wasim her cousin  got attracted by the beauty of her nature,  these  days he was  not keeping well,   , his back  pain left him  incapacitated,  both of them lived in the same house in two different portions,  she would see him  coming and going  and felt helpless,  against her family  wishes she was helping  her phuphi and  wasim in writing the novel,  he dictated  painfully  and she wrote it down 
Hashya left basat to herself and tied her hair in a bun,  neatly placed her shawl over her shoulders  before  coming to stand outside in the long  terrace,  there were others also present on her either side,  the distant   hills were  covered in clouds,  it was an attractive sight,  light drizzle  added  more charm to the scene,  as she looked enjoying the surroundings a salwar qamiz clad man  boldly stepped onto the terrace,  he was rather  followed by two pleasant  to look at men, , one of them was holding an open umbrella over him and now was putting it away folding it, , the first one approached hashya and introduced himself,   he was a local  powerful personality  a politician,  he was somehow  informed hashya was  here  with a university group at Nathya gali

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