Sunday, October 2, 2022

page 109

....sukrat  made just one rule for all his associates and disciples  to follow  control and tolerance,   nobody should speak  in a higher than normal pitch  to show annoyance,  not to raise his voice above normal,  not to get aggressive or violent  verbally and physically  to threaten others,  not to use abusive language  and be physically abusive  or the culprit was  suspended from his  camp
Socrates defined tolerance was the  spirit of all civilized societies,  loose tolerance and the whole set up collapses ,  to maintain good society  right management   needs to be balanced  and only tolerance  can  balance  and keep the society stable 
Education  improves the skills of debating, logic, and planning but tolerance has to be practiced by the educated  or the difference between the polished and tbe rough  doesn't remain,  the power  must remain in the  hands of the tolerant or the society suffers 
Brute force  has power and strength  but no tolerance 
A civil  society s core  is tolerance around which society  grows  progressively 

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