Tuesday, October 4, 2022

page 12

....cheerfully blossomed  faces that wore  makeup,  smiles adorned people  in the hall,  waving fluttering  colorful  veils girls took group pictures and selfies,  all the arrangements were done,  even aksi had arrived from the beauty parlor  ready , fakhra beghum looked at aksi with  emotion filled eyes,  who looked so charming   just right target for an evil eye,  mother  kept her own gaze away fearing  it could  also bring harm upon her girl,  aksi was tightly surrounded with her cousins  when fakhra  dabbed a tissue to the corners of her eyes  and  gestured  sadra to come to her,  sadra quickly  reached her mother 
Why hasn't the barat  reached,  baba also had asked the same so many times,  mother  scolded sadra and her in laws for never being punctual,  the owners of marriage halls  pack up on time not extending one more minute,  mother  glared at her elder daughter  angrily 
Sadra assured she will phone askand, from her  shoulder bag she pulled her phone out and  punched her husband's number,  the ringing was heard clear and loud but he didn't answer it, sadra satisfied put back her phone into the bag and turned to tell all the girls to leave the bride alone , the barat was on its way,  the girls happily ran out to welcome the groom,  fakhra beghum had already left 

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