Monday, June 24, 2024


....some  people  were gathered  at a random  spot  on a secluded road in the city,  , the focus of the group  was a dead  girl  laying by the road side   tree, , a deep gash on her forehead suggested  she was shot dead , her clothes were  soaked in her own blood  ,  it was a morbid blood puddle,  the  gathered around   murmured   collectively    rising  excited voices    were heard in snatches,  
Who could she be 
It seems sge was  hit by a bullet 
Someone call the police and the ambulance 
Everyone  get aside  a rough voice  announced the arrival of police,  an  a s I and a constable  cutting across the crowd reached the body, seeing the body a color passed  on shehzad  s face,  he vent down to check  her pulse,  Murad was by his side,  his expression  was  of bewilderment  trying to  place her identity,  he was about to blurt out something  but his senior  silently  gestured him to stay secretive  and straightened up,  shehzad began giving out instructions,   first to take her pictures,  then  send the body on ambulance  ,  remove the crowd,  only  who were to give  statements could  remain standing there,  shehroz  the s h o was contacted 
Wali Murad wanted to say something  but  shehzad  ordered him to keep his mouth tightly shut and  say nothing  at all, it was  more of a threat  than command 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

page 15

...I say let's play video games,, now from where to get ludo partners,  without partners  no fun,  spoke kabir  sitting  before inayat with the remote 
I don't like video games,  ,  they kill me 
You are afraid of defeat 
Not from defeat but the anticipation of defeat  scares me 
Aren't you crazy,  our mothers endless chatterings 
or they could have proved our game partners 
inayat turned to look at the ladies  who were gossiping as they peeled the vegetables 
Don't you have any children in your neighborhood 
The  neighborhood is packed with children but their mothers won't  send them outside in this  summer afternoon,  
Then let us  sit down to drawing  pictures,  suggested another option  inayat 
Our we members of play group  scowled kabir,  you know inayat when I grow up I shall get married and have lots of kids a dozen or so 
What kind of  weird thoughts you think  , inayat spoke with a tinge of surprise,  dirty thoughts 
What is dirty about it, don't you want to  be surrounded by lots of cousins and have a good time together 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

page 58 Sunday Dimitri beautician was off, saira was also  home  on Sunday holiday,  it was decided she had to talk in detail with quraishi sahib,  she rang him up  tgey were  reaching his  flat by eleven,  perhaps he  still had a flickering hope,  he  took  great  care of dressing up, , more   time was given to his  socks and nails,  the three piece suit was selected  with deliberate  care,  it was expensive and elegant,  shoes were polished,  , perfume was bought during his last trip to France,  , before entering the washroom he i gave instructions to the  servant  to wipe the car clean,  ,  doing everything possible he still  had no warm feelings for saira, , hoping was yet another matter,  , he was  captivated by her enchanting  personality,  , if the meeting was  successful  definitely it would lead to marriage,   but what hasn had to tell him   if was true  beauty of saira    lost its  charm and he would refuse,  he was  in a state of sheer confusion,   hus mind  swayed between  beauty  and  ethics,  he liked her face  but if her  character was as hasn had, he described  he had to be frank  , he reached the  car with the driver waiting in the porch,  he took the seat in the back,  , Sunday  traffic was     not much,  saura s mansion wasn't  too far from his,  , within minutes he reached her place, 
Saira was  waiting for him,  she wasn't  overly dressed for the occasion,  simply dressed in her casuals clean and comfortable , sitting arrangement was done in the middle room 

Friday, June 21, 2024

page 55

...the husband rang up from office  telling his wife  to quickly  pack up his fishing   bag  for an office trip  , his sleeping suit his favorite blue  must be included   first of all, , he was going with his boss for a week  s trip, , some other close informal friends will be  in the group,  it was a definitely a favorable chance to discuss his promotion,  keep the  bag ready  , he won't have enough time to stop at home  , he was to catch the flight at seven,  , he will just pick up his bag and   leave 
Obediently the wife packed up hi fishing  trip bag, , everything happened  correctly,  a week later   the husband returned cheerful and loving happier and healthier 
She asked how was the trip,  must have caught too many fishes
Absolutely fantastic,  heaps of trout,  sometimes  we ate them fried  some times  cooked,  , we had a most enjoyable trip,  but darling you didn't put the blue sleeping suit in the bag 
If you had opened the fishing bag you would have seen it  growled the wife  glaring 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

page 41

..a post of a killer in the  secret  service of the c I a was vacant,  , emails  from  innumerable  candidates  arrived,  agents shortlisted just three,  two men and one woman,  , 
The three selected were given  tests and training to obey the command,  they were to keep themselves devoid of emotions and  kill the target on order  or they were rejected,  they must not  ask why and how 
On the final day of their training their spouses were  hidden in  rooms and the  selected killers were sent in to kill their spouse
The first man refused  and became sentimental,  how could he,  but he was not to ask  hiw and why
The second man went in and some time later the couple emerged  emotional  and  tearful 
It was the turn of the woman  she went in with her pistol and  shots were heard , then screaming  followed by thumping and stamping and other strange  noises,  the woman emerged  wounded bleeding  , she explained the bullets were fake she had to kill him with a knife 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

kamra number terah was  his   another visit to the barber shop after two weeks,   it was  one of the most  famous barbershop in Toronto  , amazing and satisfying experience one  got of his haircut and  the atmosphere,  the smiling  beautiful attractive   Angela was polite 
Can you please play the music 
Of course why not 
She was  ready to start  stopped on his request of the change of the music,  now in the Canadian air-conditioned room  Canadian music  was playing,  he was overwhelmed and became nostalgic  remembering someone special  , what a  soulful  tune it was 
Unfortunately, who could be there at this time,  all the fun was  destroyed,  tge mobile  ringtone distracted his attention , wrong timing  phone calls were  maliciously disturbing 
Hearing the mobile  Angelina stopped again but he  commanded  her to go on working on him,  his neat tidy look was  obviously more important than answering the phone,  but  the fiddle music in the background kept him   engaged,  the mobile constantly  showed  numbers and  the fiddle music was  paused,  Angelina  stood aside  he had to pick up the phone 
Benjamin  you do know it how important the deal is for you,  it is hoped you shall not  disappoint  us 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

shadi ke laddu

....the unmarried ought to pay heavy tax, it is not fair  they live happily ever after 
..the unmarried man knows more about women  or he would be married 
A newly wedded couple smiles and every one knows why,  but a couple ten years married smiles and every one wonders why 
before marriage  one is incomplete and after marriage he is completely finished 

Monday, June 17, 2024

anjaam nashanas

....early morning  again noises and screaming rose  from the  upper floor,  this wasn't  for the first time!  , it was a normal  daily routine,   small insignificant matters  unrolled themselves into  arguments  and fights,  sometimes it was inayat and his wife afroz  quarreling  other times  their children   fighting,  , instate and afroz had four children,  two sons and two daughters 
Inayat lived with his family  on the upper floor  , his younger brother and his wife  and children lived  downstairs,  inayat  s old mother liked the younger daughter in law  who was her niece and quite fond of each other 
Inayat was married   outside their clan, , mother Fatima   attended a function and  happened to cast her eyes on afroz and  soon enough  afriz became  elder daughter in law,  afroz was a cheerful person,  she was  one of the four  children of her parents,   parents had raised her most lovingly,  she grew up bullying her younger siblings,   she also had an elder sister,  Fatima had liked afroz for her  apparent cheerful  nature 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

shabbogham ki seher

...she had heard it
Love and death demand whole person,  both are consuming,  this was  happening to her, she had  heard the saying ages ago  that had settled deep into her heart  and now she was  witnessing it and going through it, she didn't want to  fling her Love away nor  did she wish to embrace death,  but both were real  and both readily demanding 

The moment  car turned towards johar town  the little girl  looked at it in sheer disbelief 
Mama  aren't we going to the hospital 
 She  shook her head helplessly, 
You lied to me,  you had said we were going to see baba 
Of course after the check up in the hospital  we are going to see baba 
Just the check up, no needles, rasil demonstrated   by pressing her right fist into the side of her left arm 
Dear you are so brave,  you aren't afraid of needles, she   tried to  encourage herself  instead of the  child 
Not so brave mama that you  so frequently  get the needles stick into me, rail s  voice  now sounded annoyed 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

page 239

....ordinary Americans think   man has successfully stepped onto the moon  now what next 
The Chinese think they have  seventy percent  majority over the globe  and captured the markers  with Chinese made stuffs of all types but what else they must do to grab the other thirty percent  
The afghans  worry about  what they must do to improve their future  having  left Pakistan far behind  in politics 
The poor Pakistanis think  only of  electricity and water supplies,  so many cuts  no water for wazu at Isha,  all  water tanks dried up , no problem,  one can get mineral water bottles from the market,  real or fake  it's mineral water,   like  real or fake degrees,  , every one tie up to the basics of water and electricity 
,   absolutely unaware hiw the pockets are being warned up of close contracts of tge powerful , ordinary  public is unable to get himself out of this  sinister labyrinth of his daily needs unfulfilled that he ignores the aspect of tax factor completely 

Friday, June 14, 2024

page 230

...the three of them sat in the television lounge after dinner,   Marshal  s mother  was  engrossed in watching television,  Marshal   was  perched on a cushion on the floor,  nafis raja on the sofa  sat massaging her head,  , her hair were sticky  with oil , , this was  the most favorite  pastime of nafis raja,  Marshal  spoke up, Nana Jani  I have something to say to you 
Of course   get over with it, I am all  ears listening was just waiting for you to say something 
You remove the two guards  posted over me, it is so  irritating,  one of them has taken leave from you and gone home,  he beverages takes his eyes off me, 
Nafis raja  smiled on her attitude,  Marshal fumed, she got up from her place,  I am fed up, all my friends circle  discuss this matter  , they make fun of it and you  are laughing it off
Nafis raja deliberately  distorted his face to look mock serious  and  pushed her back to make her sit down on the cushion,  Marshall dragged her mother into her  unsorted problem and  said  mother take care of your father,  now I am a grown up and ought to be treated like one I can take good care of myself 

Thursday, June 13, 2024


....retired justice nafis raja  finished his last round  of tennis  and came to sit down in a chair to rest a while,   he was certainly a  commendable player  despite his  declining age,  he had  everything one wished for under his expert control,  his weight,  hair   still on his  head  but for a quite long time he had left  colouring his  hair,  stark snowhite    hair not only  suited him but highlighted his professional career,  his maturity  and experience  shone and he was chosen special judge , he  had willingly  accepted the post with the tag of retired   adding to his rightful worthiness 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

doris day of the most popular American singer actress doris day  on her earlier   life  worked in a bakery  where  once a  ten year old boy came and chose a  pastry for himself and  paid for it and  finished eating it standing there in the bakery,  he had liked it and wanted another one but didn't have more money to buy a second pastry,  he stood there with his head lowered  and then looked up at doris day  if she would marry him,  doris day smiled and said he was too small but when he grew up she would definitely get married to him,  the boy said if she would mind  giving her future husband another pastry 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

from previous

....I was  longing to meet you  for some time,  daddy had said you were a   voracious  book reader,  and  a passionate teacher who enjoyed  teaching,  I have inherited your natural skills,  I love reading books  and aspiring future teacher,  explained  Ellen seriously  sitting down  beside her grandmother,  she had  wanted to share her life stories with her , Gloria was  stunned  into gaping  silence  with the revelation of this similarity of pleasant surprise 
You are saying you mean you had desperately wanted to see me your grandmother, without any greed  or need and for no reason  asked Gloria,  her eyes reflected  in credibility   and sheer disbelief 
Absolutely,  thats what I am telling you  I was longing to see you and grandpa,  I  had  to see our family house and grandparents  now my wishes are fulfilled,  when can  I get to see grandpa,  Ellen s voice was soaked in sweet sincerity  and  warmth 
Ellen,  I can't lie to you,  you know better about our mutual  relationships,  your grandpa is in a sulking rage and has decided to return home later than usual 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Zahir o batan

....those four are coming tomorrow,, Gloria Fernandez  casually informed   taking a book out from the cupboard,  Fernandez remained  silent in response,  he had opened the  bedside drawer , looking for something,  Gloria holding the book looked at her husband  and reached the bedside,  
It seems you didn't hear what I said,  sge wiped her glasses  and sat down on the bed and said 
I know it they are coming tomorrow,  the  rude progeny of our  rude progeny  Fernandez was  roaring  with suppressed anger 
Look dear, now that they have been invited  here  keep your  temper under tight control  reminded Gloria 
You remember that you have invited them not me 
, I don't care at all  whether they stay here or flee   from my intolerable attitude,  his tone  fantastically dry and rude 
Gloria put on her  glasses  and  got herself into  it, Fernandez was constantly grumbling  but she  totally ignored him , having lived  years with husband  she had got used to him and his  weird habits 
Mr and Mrs Fernandez were  completely two different people of opposite natures,  they had been teachers in the village and  being so different somehow they agreed to get married and got along 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

page 185

....where is najya
Who are you  and why do you ask  about my daughter 
I am David sir s man that man explained 
 ,  and come to find out on his orders where is your daughter 
Najya is missing since last night  answered  gafar daud  with a heavy heart 
In fact today morning  I have  filed a  police report in the station 
David sir already knows all the developments  blandly spoke the man,  
You didn't answer  tge question  I repeat   where is your daughter  najya right now 
I don't know  spoke gafar daud   his voice was pained full of all the sorrows of the world,  if I knew of her whereabouts why would I report to the police 
So you won't tell anything  frankly  the man on the phone   was threatening,  perhaps you aren't aware of David sir and his  power  or you are playing a fool 
  Mustering courage  gafar daud said he wanted to speak directly to David sir 
The caller on the line  said whatever it was  gafar must  talk it out with him because  David sir was listening to the cellular conversation 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

from previous

....this happened on  the third night,  it was around eleven  as a physical trainer  in the training center  his responsibilities  were increased,  he was returning home after attending a police meeting,  Imran called on his cell phone,  he asked where was he,   he told him of his location,   pat came his reply so he wasn't  far from him,   so dear uncle was to  take a turn and reach the colony of the junior,   there was a  neighbor  beating his wife inside the locked house,  all the other neighbor residents feared he could kill her,  
The senior   pondered  , he could hear   raised voices  talking  in the background,  a woman's voice was excitedly  screaming    heavily 
Tge senior  expressed  his thoughts it seemed a domestic problem  , such matters get resolved  he must stay calm and not take stress 
Chachu it is a matter of concern and tension m it's a newly wedded couple,  the mother of the  bride is also present here,  her condition is pathetic,  nobody from inside is answering the phone  nor the  door is opening,  some  screaming of the girl can be heard 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Atish raqabat middle age   hard exercise   is quite tiring, but he had  learned to work out regularly i consistently  in less time  and developed a spectacular muscular physique,  but this time he emerged from his  home gym exhausted,  he realized it wasn't the workouts,  it was  mental  tiredness,  mental fatigue  makes one  dull and very tired, , this  mental   state was related to Imran junior,  his   young  nephew,  strong full of life carefree  yet  extremely sober and   incredibly  thoughtful  
he came to settle down  straight away in Lahore and spending his days and nights as he wished,  his main hobby was to be useful to others,  he enjoyed helping out otgers and solve  their problems,  but the senior  was suspecting   unexpected unseen  things fearing  something  unwanted  might happen to the junior,   something  like  a disaster  that could damage the life of the junior,  the senior simply wanted him to come back and be near him and around  familiar  people,  the more he tried to shake the worries off the more  solid  they became 
In  the evening the senior  was driving around in his  small car  exiting from his  cottage  to drive into the area junior lived , he had become  very popular within a few months in his neighborhood 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

from previous

....reaching home he reflected on the  matter  carefully,  he had already taken a step  if he backed off it was dangerous,   apparently he had  made someone  his secret partner  by sharing  his plans,  , he was somewhat frightened  and also  satisfied,  he decided  he would never  annoy  naghat again 
Next day again he met jahanzeb,  he began giving him instructions  to him , to reach that  level one needed  patience and  a ground,  jahanzeb was quite sarcastic 
Jabar was listening 
What an amazing  advice dada gave,  telling  Jabar nit to annoy his wife   , to live peacefully and respect her , to take her along with him to friends  places and  to hotels  if Jabar wanted to lead a happy married life,  at least he could give it a try fir some time in the beginning 
Jabar promised he would follow the advice 
Naghat was so happy poor woman  that her husband was  reforming  and ready to rectify his mistakes,  what she didn't know was it  was for  himself  he had readily accepted to change his strategy 
For a few days Jabar did everything right

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


...the reality was so that all of a sudden  Jabar s heart was broken  when  unexpectedly Zarin refused to get married to him ,  the manner in she behaved with him and the way he treated her it was  absolutely certain they couldn't   reject each other,  both were overwhelmingly  sincere and  friendly,  because of their close  warm relationship he had  mastered  courage to propose to her  hoping sge would quickly accept  it
Zarin not just refused to marry him  but she got immensely annoyed at the proposal 
Jabar was  though already married ten years  but he and naghat were  incompatible like two opposite sides of a river,  together they exist but  remain  separate,  with  passing time  their hatred and bitterness for each other  kept on increasing 
They never liked each other  this is what he believed not naghat,   she had always tried to save her marriage  she  was a good caretaker homemaker and  a wife but he just didn't want her  simply because he didn't find her attractive,  she wasn't young any more,  her figure  was out of shape,  Zarin was an intelligent woman  and quite understanding  but the more intelligent she was the more boring he found her,  he just wouldn't appreciate her skills  and   never admired her virtues 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

page 107 come along with me  m we shall travel together around the world,  leave that old man  all he can give you is his wealth,   but wealth cannot get happiness  tryst me my darling,  he was very carefully treading ahead,  he was on this plan for the past ten days,  Linda was the target he was  after m you are so young and beautiful still,  that old man can't keep you happy,  women like  to be with  choicest  men , 
What would become of Adam  asked Linda  watching her son playing outside with his friends 
Of course we will take him with us too , , she warmly held his face  , he forced her hands  deliberately  aside to get his face free 
Loafers don't have responsibilities and nor do they carry children and families with them,  he will be happy here  left behind with his father,  we need freedom,  we need each other,  he won't fit in anywhere  in New life  with us,   it took   a rush  just ten days to bring Walter and Adam s life to  ruins
One night  Linda  silently on the quiet  packed up her things  and left with him,  with her also was  Walter's  cash,  it was a huge amount,  Walter was left mad with rage,  he left Adam with trusted  known contact and Walter  started  his chase to find Linda 

Monday, June 3, 2024

page 104  only I shall win, spoke Donald standing on the road by the forest  looking at David his younger brother,  both were  sons of Meg a famous  business man in berima , they had just reached the spot a few minutes ago , driven there  carrying bags full of sports  material,,  their race began  tge moment their bags were  put down,  tbus was their routine competition,  David  had long legs and  speed always won,  but Donald today was  proving a tough competitor,  the  race was  around two kilometers long  the return through the forest,  the second part of the run was  harder,  running  and not getting yourself  entangled in the trees was  really difficult  but they were practicing for over two months,  Donald managed to get ahead  taking a   round  about  the  canopies,  David tried to cut tge route short  and entered the canopies  , and a sudden unexpected  shrill scream  escaped his mouth,  Donald turned to look,  he had fallen,  Donald  was not going to  let himself   be fooled by the  scheme,  loudly declaring  it he kept on going forward 
There is a ditch here you idiot 
Liar, how can there be  a ditch here,  don't we cross this  place everyday,  but he stopped and   approached him 
See it for yourself,  David was breathlessly panting 
Donald  followed  his direction and began to look  and really there was a pit in which  David  got his foot  twisted and fell 
It was a freshly dug pit , the soil was still   fresh and smelled  of  wet  mud , he too sat down beside his brother 

Sunday, June 2, 2024


...biwenfiels was a small   township   consisting of fifteen kilometers  in south Wales containing  pine trees giving it a  forest look , carrying their bags both of them also  were  awestruck by the mysterious  beauty  of the place,  so much beauty   was unexpected in Berlin  making a  cross spoke baler, but you always find other countries more beautiful  spoke Paul tired of his habit
Both had traveled  around the globe  and seen many countries,  they were back packers , they worked  to earn nine months and to spend it all three months on traveling,  they didn't have any permanent job  nor any permanent abode  wherever they liked tgey would   stop and stay
New South Wales is certainly  most  spectacular place  and this  season   attracts a huge inflow of tourists,  the man  accompanying them spoke up this time,  he had met them in the morning   in berima, he said his name was Glen  and he  too  seemed  a  roaming person like them , his upper lip supported light brown moustaches that moved when he spoke,  baler thought  the moustaches needed some  urgent trimming 
Right so much  tourist  rush is incredibly increasing  the Australian revenue,  smiled baler  his smile was infectious and that brought  smiles on the other two faces as well 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

page 77

....finally he asked her what exactly did she expect from him,  she explained she needed a  paramour   who must be of a wealthy background  popular  for his pleasant courteous charms  acceptable in the high end society  , he should not be sick mentally or physically   , not have addictions of any sort, not be a  weak character  but be of solid  high standards,  no scandals  and no controversies    , respected  and honored 
Madam stopped  her explanation,  sge wanted a social security to get a good catch for her marriageable daughter  , life must be a comfortable  experience,  she was  ready to gamble her last stakes on this matter 
Sge wanted to arrange  get-togethers  where social dating is permissible,  she  needed at least thirty thousand franks 
He knew it was a huge money to lend for nothing in return  , so if she could arrange for a guarantee but her face expressed it all it was impossible 
He  had a rare art piece of ivory  he was ready to  give her it , she could sell it for whatever price  with a  story  and  keep the profit  and give him his thirty thousand franks 
He would keep on sending clients with profiles interested in buying it, she could always say it was her family heirfir generations and never would have sold it off for billions but for the sake of her daughter  s future she  had to afford to lose it