Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anger Management And Prevention
Step One – Never struggle with your anger. Don't fight it, or resist it, in any way. That only either strengthens it, or suppresses it until another day. So face it and accept its presence.
Step Two – As soon as possible, simply observe it. In the act of observation all emotion must die. Why? Because you are standing back from it within your consciousness in order to observe it. And as you stand back within your consciousness you are withdrawing your life giving energy from it.
Step Three – Through the practice of meditation, return to your centre, that means the centre of your consciousness, the centre of your self. At the centre you will find inner peace, and that peace is your power. At the centre of yourself you will find your love, and that love, when you give it to yourself and others, is the healing balm of forgiveness.

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