Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Anger Management There are some false ideas about anger that we have acquired, which we use to justify and nourish our anger: 1. I do not get angry. The actions of others make me so.Fact: At all times, and in all places you and only you are the creator of your thoughts and feelings and are completely responsible for them, not anyone else. Tip For Transformation: The regular practice of meditation empowers you to become the ruler of your mind, intellect and thoughts.2. I need to use anger to motivate others.Fact: Trust and respect, the foundations of any relationship, at home or in the office, are never built by anger. In the long term, angry outbursts damage any leadership qualities you may have. Anger kills motivation within oneself and will likely negatively influence others' motivation. Tip For Transformation: Meditation helps you practice acceptance and respect for others as they are.

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