Friday, November 13, 2009

Milee Jo Menzil

Both Razaq and his superior are stunned in to silence to find a dead body, clearly a murder, no clue found near him, after inspecting minutely a piece of jewellery-a gold ear dangler is found from the bed, although the body is mutulated there is no blood on the bed, apparently aslam was killed when he had opened the door, near it, the piece of gold ear ring is found out from the jewellers to be sold to masi, her daughter is sick, her one piece from the pair is missing, she admits she was present at aslams , as they were in love, their intimacy was a secret affair, when some one had knocked at his door, she was sent home from the back door, mazhar is also found has been attacked by unidentified masked men , he is taken to faislabad to a hospital, still unconcious the police waits for him to get better, mazhar says he and aslam were child hood friends, and mazhar was Zeba"s choice, zeba is the chaudhary"s daughter, both aslam and mazhar jumped over the boundary wall into the house of zeba, chaudhary finds them out.--how the case is solved is a good story

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