Saturday, November 7, 2009


Shinakht is identity, so inseparable from the self, , it sketches a fight to take control of one"s own personalit and to seize others, identical twins Viki And Viji are deprived of a happy family losing their shinakht as when they were separated twenty two years ago, Sultan is fighting his battle against shirazi held captive whom -he fears -the twins might help escape , so raja is hired , to back up the scheme of not letting the twins win, even if they somehow emerge victorious , they must be killed by the hired man, gay gordon and his wife plan to visit islamabad, each character tries to establish his own superiority over the rest, it is a battle of wits, of power, of scheming, of treachery, of how no one can survive without his true name, the moment his name is changed he the real one is lost to the world, to his social cirlce

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