Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jarhit zadah

beautiful executed drama by H Iqbal- a crowded market place is a scene of action, confusion , shoot out , people run in all directions, just the blue eyed forty year old man knows he is the target, he takes cover hiding himself perfectly merging with the scattering crowd, he snatches the car keys from a driver and drove away as fast as he could, changes his clothes he reaches atif"s house who is not at home, the daughter of the family is about to leave home when the stranger asks to meet atif, on cell phone the stranger reveals his secret identity unnerving atif who is a guest at a friend's place, atif on phone instructs daughter to accomodate the guest in a special room, daughter feels something is very strange about the man, he looks fortish but his hands belong to a seventy year old man

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