Friday, February 3, 2012

Anjam Bakhair--asya rezaqi

the  lush green lawn grass had turned  yellow  in harsh winter  cold,  the  blossoms  refused  to  sprout  in their  beds, the  two  of  them sat  shivering  in the  verandah  wrapped  up  tightly  in their  warm woollen  shawls, suman  waited  for  her  uncle  and  aunt, ashi  waited  to  go  in
suman  in a  choked  muffled  voice  and  hushed  tones  looked  around  , the  dusk  had  descended , fog  had  completely  enveloped  the  surroundings, it  looked  terribly  frightening  and  depressing
ashi  retorted  she  was  using  agha  hasher "s drama  dialogue
naturally  suman  was  disappointed  because  she  was  not  correctly  understood

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