Saturday, December 19, 2015

from previous--

Image result for yellow  flowers--safina  beghum did  not  like  iha  at  all, but  mahuz  had  made   her  agree to  his choice  on trial  basis, it  was  unnerving  yet  giving  some  hope  that  iha  would  definitely  show  she  was  his  right  choice, but  zara  and  she  went  shopping, mahuz  asked  them to  give  them a  treat, that  they  refused  to have  in the  shopping  center, on their  return  iha  was  so  hungry  she  regreted not  having  snacks  and  coffee, opening  a  packet  of  buscuits  she  began to  much when she  heard  a  sound  at  the  door, expecting  it  to be  zara  or  mahuz  she  turend  to  freeze  in her  tracks, it  was  safina  beghum

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