Friday, December 25, 2015

from previous--

Image result for albert williams--khan junaid  and  madiha  both were  shocked  because  banto  turned  his  wheel chair  to  leave  them, he  was  getting  lonely, they  wanted  to  cheer  him up, he  was  not  the  only  sensitive  person around  , madina  also  was  sensitive  and  got  hurt  as  her  faataher  khan junaid  on his  son"s  words, but  madiha  was  married  and  had  other  new  responsibilities  on her  to  see to, she  could  not  focus  long  on her  brother , they  could  not  decide  what  should  they  do  next  when the  door opened  and  saba  came  in, looking  at  her  banti  introduced  her  to  them all as  his  teacher  who  will take usher  him to his  room, this  was  somewhat  unexpected  , father  whispered  to  madiha  saba  can tackle  banti

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