Friday, November 13, 2020

page 16....

.....khaula emerged from the washroom  and immediately found something was not right, she rushed towards the door  it was locked from outside and rita was behind this,  she tried to move the knob  with all her strength but it didn't work,  defeated she returned to her room to sit on the bed,  feeling  foolish for  getting herself led into this situation,  she now waited for the police to reach her, suddenly she remembered khazar her first cousin and picked up her phone to call him,  he answered her call and it was a moment of reassurance,  his voice  gave her strength she needed,  she spoke explaining she was in a precarious situation,  he laughed,  so many times she would forget her purse home or run out of fuel on the road and now what, just two hours earlier she had left for home,  she said she was locked up in her own apartment and there was a dead body

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