Saturday, July 31, 2021

muhabbet lafz hy lekin...

..... it was two past midnight,  a noise woke him up,  it was the sound  of the door bell,  because he was accustomed to sleeping outside  till October  he could hear it or its not possible to hear the door bell  in the  closet rooms during the night,  
Who could that be this time of the night  , shave looked at the watch  and murmured,  bell was heard again,  he forced himself to get out of the Bedard quickly without asking  opened the door,  three four  armed men   rushed in and surrounded him, he stood there stunned speechless  looking at them,  his surprise quickly was replaced by anger, , he asked sharply who were they 
Sehrab ali khan wants to speak to you  replied an elderly  stout man amongst them in an equally  sharp tone 
shevaz asked who was sehrab   and there wasn't a trace of fear or recognition on his  face 
Before someone  could answer  sehrab  ali khan stepped into the room from the door  introducing himself  he was sehrab ali khan  father of zaya ali khan 
For a moment  shevaz  was startled to hear that heavy base voice  tgen a rascally smile  appeared on his face as he asked if  the  news had reached him too

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