Saturday, July 17, 2021

page 120....

.....salomi as usual  prepared  sehri and arranged it on the table,  so far nobody had emerged from their rooms,  wajahat sayyad  arrived  punctually   and seeing Salomi  having her sehri he too sat down dragging a chair next to her to have  his,  he asked if others weren't having sehri today,  she said practically  whoever wanted will come himself, she asked him to help   himself   and extended  parathas and  minced neat kheema peas, her swollen eyes and red face    clearly explained him her painful condition  , he was saddened,  he was shocked  whatever had happened with her the previous night,  he expressed his opinion  biting into a morsel,  so  he had witnesses  the  whole  scene,  seen it and  heard it firsthand,  uncle  aunty and ghanomi doubted her, she grew up before them in the same family and house  and there was a guest present,  it was embarrassing and rather awkward,  they failed to understand the delicate issue and displayed their  displeasure  and rage 

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