Sunday, July 18, 2021

page 123...

.....wajahat sayyad driving back  Salomi home on the way said he was aware of her sorrow but she was a brave and good person,  ironically  life  tested  such people  on  many  levels  but she must not  be  fearful for he was always going to support her,,  her family would soon  come to realize  what all great deeds she had done  and she should try stay  calm and tension free, 
Salomi  explained all was well,  when she will reach home with  h8m she would receive  that special  honored  welcome,  her smile was pained,  her eyes  coated with  fine  film of  emotional  moistness, they were helpless  what was waiting for them,  she was prepared mentally,  wajahat dropped her and headed towards his office 

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