Thursday, December 1, 2022

chhappar phaad ke

...dear chacha jan
Hope you are doing fine,  you won't be interested in any way in my well-being  but let me customarily tell you I am well, perhaps you are surprised what makes me write this letter to you  because these days the trend of letter writing is over,  people like to stay connected online on whatsapp, Facebook, emails and cellphone messages,  now everyone knows about everyone everything,  who sneezed,  who is doing what 
I could too have  spoken to you over the phone  but I lack courage,  the matter is rather lengthy and  it was  certain you would have  got annoyed the moment I started to  speak,  you would have redacted by roaring growling snarling and flinging  bad words on me,  I would have lost  and  could never have   said  even a word  so phoning you was pointless,  now that I sat down to write this letter I realize how  enjoyable it is to  pen down my feelings,  it feels like I have suddenly become a writer  of a story,  this is true also in a way because I am writing  about my life   which is a story,  it's about  a chapter  of my life story 

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