Wednesday, December 21, 2022

page 185

Shamla and gulbaz reached home sometime later, amma was  preparing to take milk from the cows and  goats  ,shamla  dumped the green tender branches before the goats and then sat down with amma to help her  get the milk, the cattle  sged was next to the house they lived in, she  was when free from the  goats shah Faraz  arrived , coincidentally sgahbaz her elder brother was not home  but her abba  afzal khan was home,  shah faraz greeted them all before inviting them to his sister's wedding  specially  his sister Zaino s wish was to send shamla  a day before 
Abba and amma agreed to send shamla to attend the wedding at sangur, shah faraz sat a while to leave  as the  dusky shadows lengthened to spread out
Next day shamla  s elder brother shahbaz  created a scene  , abba wasn't home,  shahbaz first refused to go to  sangur  , he was  absolutely against shamla going to sangur,  his demeanor was severe  and objected  strongly that shamla  reached the wedding  function ahead  by one day 
Ma protested weakly,  she  raised her voice  gently asking dear son what made him object to it when  Zaino and shah faraz were  close to them,  that was amma  s brother's family,  besides zainu and shamla were soul mates 

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