Monday, December 12, 2022

taar e ankabut

...the night was chill and dark,  mist and fog had covered the entire surroundings,  the last train had left the station,  leaving behind the  crowded township  passing through   vast open space, the driver pulled on his  gloves  and glanced out of the windshield, the  flashlight on the forehead of the engine  was casting a stream of light  showing the way cutting through the  thick layers of fog,he felt going through a tunnel  of light 
The speed of the train was gradually increasing,  within minutes they were to cross the outskirts of the township, he was still looking out  and was startled, he saw  a body laid up on the  track at the end of the light , frightened he began  blowing the whistle, he pulled the throttle back and  pressed the full brakes, the train was ten bogies  long  impossible to stop instantly 

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