Wednesday, January 18, 2023

page 93

.... female staff to her boss: sir, clerk Nasir  forces me   to speak lies
Biss: how so, madam
He keeps asking me my age
It happened long time ago that a villagers handed an agent a huge amount to arrange a trip abroad,  the so called travel agent turned out to be a fraud and left the villagers in the murrie  hills and said walk three days to reach the London gate and just pass through it
On the fourth day this villagers met a man and enquired where was the London gate 
The other man explained he was  looking for Dubai gate for over a week 
A train stopped at a station,  a passenger spoke to the guard to tell him  how could he manage to have a hot cup of tea at the platform and return  before the train left 
The guard smiled it was so easy,  let me come with you to have tea with you 
Miss janson teaching basic maths to her backward maid,,
Dear if you have ten rupees and asked for another tenner from your husband how much you save 
Maid::   ,,five rupees 
Miss janson,;; ,think again very carefully before answering 
Maid took one extra minute and smiled  and answered nothing will be left 
Miss janson,;;  ,dear  you don't know basic maths at all
Maid,::  ,madam you don't know my husband at all

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