Monday, February 6, 2023


......the setting sun presented a most enchanting scene yet it was saddening,  the golden rays of the sinking sun hitting the coastal  buildings turned the  air sorrowful and heavy,  he was  ready to leave for his work on one of such  sad evening,  his name was  Collin Pringle, he was part of the Scotland yard murder squad,  he was kept for his good work  but now he stayed out of violence and aggressive active  duties,  he was given less horrifying  easy tasks  because he was soon retiring,   he felt  empathy watching tge fishermen  returning homeward at the end of the day  and he would speak to himself  , constable Pringle  now it's time for you too to retire, this Scotland yard job never allowed you to think about yourself,  just a few more weeks time  before you will be a free man  with lots of spare time,  you can  fulfill all your dreams then 
He left for his job  engrossed in his own  world of imagination,  he was  on the patrolling duty,  he was  allotted a specific area the Northampton square,  when he was still two blocks away from the Northampton square  a girl  suddenly appeared before him  from the close by red brick building with dark glass windows 
Constable, thank God you arrived she addressed him , she explained she had sent for him,  she had  sent a boy to call him but the boy wasn't anywhere around 
Pringle hadn't seen any boy around and  spoke it truthfully,  perhaps he had gone  away on a different route 
The  girl in distress was quite young he thought just twenty,  she was ordinary looking,  she had buck teeth not letting her lips close properly,  her eyes seemed vacant and as if she had seen a ghost 

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