Friday, February 3, 2023

sangin khatma

....a casino in France  was  playing very slow music  haltingly,  Faisal had wanted to see it for himself,  he was  the  only son of naushab and zaid, who was to turn six in a few days but  his understanding and grasp was equal to a nine year old,  he had seen  men and women dancing in english movies  , mostly such dancing was  done in hotels and he had  expressed his wish to see  a  hotel  dancing floor 
Zaid had promised him  he was busy and a day before returning to their  country  from France  they would visit a dance floor,  Faisal was  now  visiting a dance floor  with his parents,  naushab and Zaid were married seven years,  both were  associated with journalism,  working for the top  most  newspaper  in their country,  they had  net each other on the job and   got romantically  connected and git married,  naushab  left the job  with  Faisal  s birth to be a full time care taker
Zaid remained on the job and  progressed  rapidly  showing his  extraordinary  skills,  in his first year  his hard work and  unusual  reporting  established him as the investigating  reporter,  he maintained his  good work and  his salary was  increased,  it was  very  clear  his work was selling and increasing the sales of the newspaper 

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