Thursday, August 3, 2023

page 11

...Adil alias adi was  his family's only son, his father a  famous  Supreme Court lawyer  and mother a  vice principal of a famous English medium school,  both parents were  passionate about their career that they ignored their only son,  they forgot what their duties were as good parents  ,  they wrongly believed  they had given him freedom  and it was his right to stray away aimlessly,  Adil was now a university student    on register  because he paid the fees but didn't attend classes,  all his  childhood  friends  mostly dropouts were his constant companions,  his parents didn't bother his staying the nights out thinking he was  preparing  for exams with friends  grown up like him,  his  mother  had hired a full time chef  cum domestic  help and become  guilt free,  the maid every time  when cleaned his room dustbin  found  cigarette butts and tiny empty glass bottles  that smelled  strange  wrapped up in paper and thrown into the dustbin , labels were torn,  she realized  to keep them from unidentifiable,  the poor maid  tried to  alert the mother  in suppressed  tones but was  rebuked for interfering in Adil  s personal life,  that she was a maid  not a detective to search his room in his absence,  he was an adult and a university student 

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