Monday, August 14, 2023

zangar was coincidence that the  murder case of his  colleague  was brought to him  and the accused was one of his  old acquaintance  whose wife  requested  him to  take up the case 
It is said  not to   ruin the name of the dead because after death all spirits become purified  but  without discussing the victim  the lawyer couldn't tell his story  properly,  the victim  God may have  mercy  was a famous and  successful lawyer himself,  he made  a big name and money in his professional life 
It was the month of October  still  summer   hot days but evenings  quite pleasant and cool,  the narrator was busy reading his books, his land-line phone rang  , during that Era there weren't any cell phones,  putting away the  book on the  bedside table he reached for the phone,  to his  hello a nervous  female voice   asked  if it was  begh sahib,
Who else would answer  her phone to a private lawyer at midnight,  of course it was  him himself,  honestly he had not  recognized her, who was  she  by the way he asked  and  what  happened  that she  phoned at  that midnight hour 
Fariha explained  she was  Qasim  s wife 

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