Friday, February 9, 2024

karobar matter  how many ages humans live  they don't want to die,   man wants to live  long without aging,  he lusts for life and desires for more , but with Zafar hasin the matter was absolutely different,  he had  seen forty springs,  this is considered a mature age and ripening of personality,  this is the time when  man is expected to become experienced and seasoned,  one becomes wiser , he is supposed to   be able to discern  what is right  and what is wrong,  Zafar hasin  had acquired  by now all these  attr but something happened today  that  snatched from him the will to live,  , he had returned home with a heavy heart  and pathetic  hopeless,  his wife zarina  anxiously asked what happened,   he was tired and his head terribly ached,  she suggested he would feel better after a bath, meantime she could make tea for him  he could swallow a pill with it,  it will definitely help him quickly  recover himself,  she watched her husband  carefully and added she was hoping he would come back  enthusiastic and  give some  good news
What kind of enthusiasm  he enquiring looked at his wife,  what news and what enthusiasm she was talking about 
How could he forget so quickly,  she looked at him in sheer surprise,  only yesterday he had  performed something extraordinary during his duty,  you were to be  rewarded  or given some award for it but you returned home a totally defeated man 

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