Wednesday, February 28, 2024

from previous

....that official car was an old sedan that was used for  transporting tge judges  to frequent government meetings  and office luncheons,  fox got into that sedan from the  New York county Court  and five hours  and reached van Eton five hours later,  the car was stopped before a hardware  store,  a woman  rushed out  and without looking around simply crossed the  road,  he saw her going inside a hotel,  then he carefully  drove forward,  on the way  a park a school and several   dilapidated cottages  he came across,  he  turned a corner   to reach the  road where  houses in Victorian style were built and the most magnificent of all  was the  mansion of van Eton 
Fox turned the engine off and sent got out of the sedan,  there was complete silence  he never had before experienced,  the judge s house was in suze and appreance  befitting and impressive but it's condition wasn't good 

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